Innovation is what you make it.
What to Expect from the Program?
The IDEA Centre is a unique multi-credit high school program for those in, or entering, grades 11 and 12 that breaks away from traditional classes, fostering different behaviours and outcomes for each student. Here, students connect with business owners, community organisations, mentors, and industry experts across diverse settings.
Students typically come in with a social enterprise or business idea they're passionate about; however we also help those without a clear vision determine a path for the semester. Through this course students develop, research, validate, and pitch the concept they have worked on all semester. Those who continue their journey after school receive additional mentoring and coaching through our alumni program.
This program teaches students how to work independently while also fostering an environment for hard work. Students are supportive of others, and are also great team players! Students will validate the concept with market research, financial insights, and prep to confidently pitch their idea to others! Get your child ready to dive into the Greater Moncton business community and learn to navigate the professional world like a pro!
How You Can Help Your Child?
At the IDEA Centre, students thrive on new connections and ideas, learning to embrace open-mindedness. Your support of their enthusiasm is crucial for their success.
They'll step out of their comfort zones, pitching ideas to strangers and seeking insights from new faces. Encourage them to embrace the discomfort and enjoy the journey!
As they share their ideas at home, the skills they gain will serve them well in their future careers or as entrepreneurs.
What's next?
Encourage your child to reach out for a tour, and mark down the IDEA Centre when course selection comes around!